Thursday, December 8, 2011

Peppermint Star Disaster

I don't think most cookie bloggers post their mistakes, at least, not mistakes on this level of magnitude. The short story is that out of 3 dozen delicious smelling, chocolate, peppermint star cookies, only six came off the pan without crumbling into pieces. You're looking at six pitiful stars on top of a pile of crumbs. I had to dump the last dozen into the trash because the candy stuck to the paper, and WOULDN'T COME OFF. I had so much hope for these - the picture in my magazine was so beautiful. And mine were too until I tried to take them off the pan. I apparently need more practice melting candy!

PS: I followed directions (mixing, baking, cooling times) TO THE LETTER except for one part - I did not use parchment paper for the first two batches, just had them directly on the pan. For the last batch I used wax paper (what's the difference, anyway?) and had to throw out the whole thing. Maybe that was my problem? Umm,yes, yes it was.

1 comment:

andrea said...

Oh no! I have been there with ginger bread houses! Mandee has some stories on me. :) I tried using wax paper and it smoked! Parchment paper or a silpat will be your bff for these.